Adat Hatikvah

Answers To Prayer

Jul 27, 2019    Rabbi Jacob Rosenberg PhD

##Background: The people who are left in Jerusalem approach Jeremiah to have him validate their plans. Through prayer, he gives a word from the LORD that causes them to drag him to Egypt where he will ultimately die. The people chose not to listen, what will we do?

* Jeremiah 42:1-6 “...pray for us...”
* Jeremiah 42:7-12 “The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah.”
* Jeremiah 42:13-22 “But...”
* Romans 6:16-23

##Going Deeper group study questions:
* Read Jeremiah 42:1-6; Exodus 8:28; 1 Samuel 7:8; 12:19; 1 Kings 13:6; Isaiah 37:4; Jeremiah 37:3; 42:20; Acts 8:24; James 5:16
* What generally happens when we ask others to pray for us instead of praying ourselves?
* When you pray do you treat God as if he is your God?
* Read Jeremiah 42:7-12; Numbers 14:9; 2 Chronicles 32:7, 8; Psalm 46:7, 11; 118:6; Isaiah 8:9, 10; 43:2, 5; Jeremiah 1:19; 15:20; Romans 8:31
* If God is for you, what should we expect him to do if we listen to him?
* What was the last thing God asked you to do?
* Did you do it?
* Are you willing to do it Today?