Adat Hatikvah

All People Prayer

Mar 23, 2019    Rabbi Jacob Rosenberg PhD

Background: After painting a picture of what God’s salvation will look like in Isa 40–55, God tells us how we should behave. In addition, we should expect the gathering of scattered Israel along with others.

Isaiah 56:1-2 “Preserve justice and do righteousness...”

Isaiah 56:3-8 “Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the Lord say...”

Eunuchs (Deut. 23:1)
What do they receive?

Foreigners const. נֵכַר (ne-kar) something strange—does not belong by ancestry.
What do they receive?

Going Deeper group study questions:
Read Isa. 56:1-2, Is 1:17; 33:5; 61:8
• What are some of the things God expects his people to do?
• What things does God bring?

Read Ex 20:8–11; 31:13–17; Is 56:6; 58:13; Jer 17:21, 22; Ezek 20 ,20:12
• Why is the Sabbath used as the example of doing righteousness?

Read Isa. 56:3-8
• Is it different for Foreigners and Eunuchs?
• How does this effect your understanding of Sabbath? Doing right?
• Why is this considered a blessing?