Adat Hatikvah

Dung Prayer

Aug 3, 2019    Rabbi Jacob Rosenberg PhD

##Background: Ezekiel is a priest who was taken into Babylon during the first wave of the captivity. He laments not being called as a priest and God sends him a massive vision. He is sent to warn the people that the second wave will be as bad as the first.

* Ezekiel 4:1–8 *“Now, son of man, take a clay tablet...”*
* Ezekiel 4:9-17 *“You shall eat it as a barley cake, having baked it in their sight over human dung.”*
* Acts 10:10-20 *“What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.”*

##Going Deeper group study questions:
* Read Ezekiel 4:1; Isaiah 20:2; Jeremiah 13:1; 18:2; 19:1
* Why do you think God ask the prophets to use physical illustrations when giving prophecy?
* Read Ezeekiel 4:14; Acts 10:10-20
* Compare this story to the one from Ezekiel
* What happens when we defile ourselves?
* How can we become clean?
* Is there anything you missed out on because you were not ready?